Shomrit Ledah
Shomrit Ledah: birth guardian, keeper, or watchwoman.
I am a Jewish wife, mother of four unassisted, homebirthed boys, and co-founder of Prudence Ministries. As a shomrit ledah, I love incorporating a blend of western herbalism, ancestral holistic medicine, traditional methods, a pinch of modern technology, and Kabbalistic and Biblical perspective into most of my offerings. If you want a partner-in-crime, spiritual sister, and/or an apocalypse survival team member with a skillset in birth, holistic midwifery, and ancient medicine - then I might be your gal.
My goal for Momtana is to inspire future or current mama bears everywhere to strengthen themselves and each other. Women, not just mothers, need a reliable and resilient "village" more than ever in today's social climate. I "aim to misbehave" by offering education, 1-on-1 support, and by bringing neighbors together so that we have the means and motivation to thrive in whatever world we find ourselves in.
"He shall be as a tree planted beside rivulets of water, which brings forth its fruit in its season, and its leaves do not wilt; and whatever he does prospers."
Tehillim/Psalms 1:3
A Private Healing Association
Prudence Ministries is a lawfully formed, Private Healing Association, operating with a reliance upon our faith in God and God's design of nature, dedicated to providing professional services and advice concerning natural healthcare and services to its members.
"Prudence" as in diligence, self-governance, wise in practical affairs, as by providing for the future. We proclaim the freedom to choose for ourselves the types of products, services, therapies, and self-help modalities that we think best. We encourage our members to perform their own research to prevent illness and achieve or maintain optimum wellness. We proclaim and reserve the right to include health options that include but are not limited to cutting edge treatment modalities and therapies practiced or used by any types of healers or therapists or practitioners the world over whether traditional or nontraditional, conventional or unconventional.
Serving only private members of Prudence Ministries.
To apply for membership, select an offering to learn more.